
There are three kinds of route middleware in Nuxt:

  1. Anonymous route middleware, which are defined directly in the pages where they are used.
  2. Named route middleware, which are placed in the middleware/ directory and will be automatically loaded via asynchronous import when used on a page.
  3. Global route middleware, which are placed in the middleware/ directory (with a .global suffix) and will be automatically run on every route change.

Middleware Example

Test out named middleware in the following example! Without entering your user name, you will be blocked from visiting the private page.


export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
  const username = useState('username');

  if (!username.value) {
    process.client && alert('Sorry, you need to fill your username');
    return navigateTo('/');


<script setup>
  middleware: 'auth',
const username = useState('username');

    <h1>Welcome {{ username }}</h1>
    <NuxtLink to="/">Home</NuxtLink>


<script setup>
const username = useState('username');

    <p>In order to enter the secret page, you need to fill your username:</p>
    <p><input v-model="username" placeholder="Username" /></p>
    <NuxtLink to="/secret">Secret page</NuxtLink>



In order to enter the secret page, you need to fill your username:

Visit Secret page